The format will be everyone gets to lead a song and we will go around to each person, also maybe passing a mic, but no plug-in otherwise. All folk style instruments are welcome. Get your folk music lists ready and we will try to keep the era of music to 70’s and older but most songs are welcome, even acoustic versions of newer material. All levels of play are welcome (try to keep with the chords/notes/rhythm of the songs. Performance songs are also welcome.
If you do not have an acoustic instrument we might have an extra. Message the host for more info.
Please remember we will have two hours to play so try to keep the song breaks to a minimum. This is inside to keep in mind there will be limited space but no limit on players.
Let’s also support La Dolce Vita and get lunch, snacks, drinks, or deserts and of course coffee (mmmm so good).
Let’s all have fun and DAM JAM!!!